.. _custom-service-reference: Anatomy of a Service ==================== In this tutorial we will go through the code of the service that is generated by ``daeploy init`` to learn the parts that make up a Daeploy service. >>> daeploy init # doctest: +SKIP project_name [my_project]: my_first_daeploy_project >>> ls ./my_first_daeploy_project -a # doctest: +SKIP . .. .s2i/ .s2iignore README.md requirements.txt service.py tests/ `service.py` contains the service code, `requirements.txt` contains any dependencies of `service.py` and `.s2i/` contains a file that defines environment variables. To create a service with the Daeploy SDK, only these three files are strictly required. The remaining files serve other purposes and we touch on them in later tutorials. Let's take a look at the contents of `service.py` to see how the SDK is used to create the service. Setup ----- The first step is to import packages. We also initialize a logger so we can get information about the service for debugging: .. testcode:: import logging from daeploy import service from daeploy.communication import Severity, notify logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) Only :py:obj:`service` is actually required, but we recommend to import and use the standard python `logging `_ package. :py:func:`~daeploy.communication.notify` and :py:class:`~daeploy.communication.Severity` in the :py:mod:`daeploy.communication` module are used for the notification functionality in Daeploy. If any external packages are used, they must be specified in the `requirements.txt` file. That way they will be installed the service is deployed. .. note:: It is highly recommended to **pin** your requirements to specific versions when in a production environment, for example `numpy==1.19.4` The :py:obj:`service` object helps us set up entrypoints for the service, add parameters and start the service. The logger is just a regular python logging object, which Daeploy natively supports. The logs from a service can be read from the dashboard or using ``daeploy logs name version``. .. _custom-service_defining_parameters-reference: Defining parameters ------------------- It is possible to define parameters that automatically get exposed to the API and can be freely changed from outside a running service .. testcode:: service.add_parameter("greeting_phrase", "Hello") Get the value of a parameter with .. testcode:: greeting_phrase = service.get_parameter("greeting_phrase") This way you can control the behaviour of your running services without having to make any code changes. We recommend using them for control parameters. Creating an Entrypoint ---------------------- To define an entrypoint for a service we use the :py:obj:`~daeploy.service.entrypoint` decorator .. testcode:: @service.entrypoint def hello(name: str) -> str: greeting_phrase = service.get_parameter("greeting_phrase") logger.info(f"Greeting someone with the name: {name}") return f"{greeting_phrase} {name}" This will automatically expose the :py:func:`hello` function to the API. We strongly recommend that you use type hints in your Daeploy entrypoint functions. That way, you will get type verification in your API and the auto-generated documentation will show the expected data types. Please take a look at :ref:`sdk-typing-reference` for a more detailed guide on how typing is handled in Daeploy. .. note:: Daeploy entrypoints should have JSON-compatible data as input and output. Note that e.g. ``numpy.ndarray`` and ``pandas.DataFrame`` are not JSON-compatible and must be converted to lists or dictionaries. Read :ref:`sdk-typing-non-json-reference` on how to use such data types. Notifications ------------- Notifications is another feature of Daeploy. When a notification is raised it can be viewed on the dashboard at http://your-host or sent to an email address. To add a notification we use the :py:func:`~daeploy.communication.notify` function. They can be placed in a conditional statement to send a notification if it's true. Let's say that we want to be notified if someone is greeting the world, because that would take a lot of time. Then we add an if-statement to check the input and then send the notification. With this added, the :py:func:`hello` function now looks like this: .. testcode:: @service.entrypoint def hello(name: str) -> str: greeting_phrase = service.get_parameter("greeting_phrase") if name == "World": notify( msg="Someone is trying to greet the World, too time consuming. Skipping!", severity=Severity.WARNING, ) return "Greeting failed" logger.info(f"Greeting someone with the name: {name}") return f"{greeting_phrase} {name}" Starting the Service -------------------- The last thing we have to do is to ensure the service runs once it is deployed .. testcode:: if __name__ == '__main__': service.run() Full Code --------- All together the full service contains fewer than 25 lines of code, including input validation, logging, notifications and configurable parameters: .. testcode:: import logging from daeploy import service from daeploy.communication import Severity, notify logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) service.add_parameter("greeting_phrase", "Hello") @service.entrypoint def hello(name: str) -> str: greeting_phrase = service.get_parameter("greeting_phrase") if name == "World": notify( msg="Someone is trying to greet the World, too time consuming. Skipping!", severity=Severity.WARNING, ) return "Greeting failed" logger.info(f"Greeting someone with the name: {name}") return f"{greeting_phrase} {name}" if __name__ == '__main__': service.run() Deploying the Service --------------------- With the service code in place we can deploy it with: >>> daeploy deploy hello 1.0.0 ./my_first_daeploy_project/ # doctest: +SKIP Deploying service... Service deployed successfully MAIN NAME VERSION STATUS RUNNING ------ ------ --------- -------- ----------------------------------- * hello 1.0.0 running Running (since 2020-11-23 10:29:01) What's Next? ------------ Now you have seen the different components of the SDK and you should be ready to create your own service. The next step could be to take a look at the manager :ref:`dashboard-reference`, or the :ref:`sdk-reference` documentation.