HTTP Status Codes

In Daeploy, when an API entrypoint function gets to a return statement, the default behaviour is to respond with a status code of 200. If an exception is raised somewhere in the function, it will return a 500 Internal Server Error-response, which just means that there has been an internal error. Generally you never want to show any 500-responses to the users of the API. Let’s look at an example that responds with other status codes to see how it can be done:

import logging

from daeploy import service
from daeploy.exceptions import HTTPException

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


def create_new_dict(dict_name: str, content: dict):

    if STORAGE_DICTS.get(dict_name, False):
        raise HTTPException(status_code=409, detail=f"{dict_name} already exists")

    STORAGE_DICTS[dict_name] = content
    return "Created"

def get_dict(dict_name: str):
    return STORAGE_DICTS[dict_name]

if __name__ == "__main__":

For create_new_dict() in this example, we have changed the status code of a successful request to be 201 Created instead of 200 OK. If we try to create a new dictionary when it already exists we raise an HTTPException, which makes the entrypoint respond with that status code and the detail in the response body.


Here is a full list of HTTP status codes