Software Development Kit

Service API (daeploy.service)


daeploy.service is an object (not a module), and should be used accordingly.

entrypoint(self, func: Optional[Callable] = None, method: str = 'POST', monitor: bool = False, disable_http_logs: bool = False, **fastapi_kwargs) Callable

Registers a function as an entrypoint, which will make it reachable as an HTTP method on your host machine.

Decorate a function with this method to create an entrypoint for it:

def my_function(arg1:type1) -> type2:

It is strongly recommended to include types of the arguments and return objects for the decorated function.

  • func (Callable) – The decorated function to make an entrypoint for.

  • method (str) – HTTP method for entrypoint. Defauts to “POST”

  • monitor (bool) – Set if the input and output to this entrypoint should be saved to the service’s monitoring database. Defaults to False.

  • disable_http_logs (bool) – Set if the http entry logs should be disabled for this entrypoint. These logs are genereated from uvicorn. Defaults to False. Example of http entry log: "POST /services/service_1.0.0/entrypoint_name HTTP/1.1" 200 OK

  • **fastapi_kwargs – Keyword arguments for the resulting API endpoint. See FastAPI for keyword arguments of the FastAPI.api_route() function.

  • TypeError – If func is not callable.

  • ValueError – If method is not a valid HTTP method.


The decorated function: func

Return type


store(self, **variables)

Saves variables to the service’s monitoring database. Supports numbers and strings. If a variable is not a number or string it store will try to coerce it into a string before storing.


**variables – Variables to save to the database. Non-numeric variables will be saved as JSON with json.dumps()

call_every(self, seconds: float, wait_first: bool = False)

Returns a decorator that converts a function to an awaitable that runs every seconds.

Decorate a function with this method to make it run repeatedly:

def my_function():
  • seconds (float) – Interval between calls in seconds

  • wait_first (bool) – If we should skip the first execution. Defaults to False.


The decorator

Return type


get_parameter(self, parameter: str) Any

Get parameter value


parameter (str) – The name of the parameter


The value of the parameter

Return type


add_parameter(self, parameter: str, value: Any, expose: bool = True, monitor: bool = False, disable_http_logs: bool = False)

Adds a parameter to the parameter endpoints.

  • parameter (str) – The name of the parameter

  • value (Any) – The value of the parameter

  • expose (bool) – Should parameter update be exposed to the API. Defaults to True.

  • monitor (bool) – Stores updates to this parameter in the monitoring database if True. Will try to coerce non-numeric types to string. Defaults to False.

  • disable_http_logs (bool) – Disable logs when getting and setting paramter with API. Defaults to False


Runs the service

This method is usually called at the end of the module when all entrypoints etc for the service has been specified

Communication API (daeploy.communication)

class Severity(value)

Bases: Enum

An enumeration of notification severities.

INFO = 0
call_service(service_name: str, entrypoint_name: str, arguments: Optional[dict] = None, service_version: Optional[str] = None, entrypoint_method: str = 'POST', **request_kwargs) Any

Call an entrypoint in a different service.

Example usage:

data = call_service(
    arguments={"variable_name": value}
  • service_name (str) – The service which contains the entrypoint to call.

  • entrypoint_name (str) – The name of the entrypoint to call. The return object(s) of this entrypoint must be jsonable, i.e pass FastAPI’s jsonable_encoder, otherwise it won’t be reachable.

  • arguments (dict) – Arguments to the entrypoint. In the form: {“argument_name”: value, …}. Defaults to None.

  • service_version (str) – The specific version of the service to call. Defaults to None, in which case the main version and the shadows versions will be called.

  • entrypoint_method (str) – HTTP method of the entrypoint to call. You only need to change this if you have created an entrypoint with a non-default HTTP method. Defaults to “POST”.

  • **request_kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass on to


ValueError – If entrypoint_method is not a valid HTTP method


The output from the entrypoint in the other service.

Return type


notify(msg: str, severity: Severity, dashboard: bool = True, emails: Optional[List[str]] = None, timer: int = 0)

Generates and sends a notification

  • msg (str) – The message to include for the recipient of the notification.

  • severity (Severity) – The severity of the notification.

  • dashboard (bool) – If this is True, the notification will be shown on the daeploy dashboard. Defaults to True.

  • emails (List[str]) – List of emails to send the notifications to. Defaults to None, in which case no emails are sent

  • timer (int) – The amount of time (in seconds) that has to pass before the same notification can be send again. Defaults to 0.

Utilities API (daeploy.utilities)

get_authorized_domains() list

Returns list of autorized domains for auth header


List of authorized domains

Return type


get_daeploy_manager_hostname() str

Returns the hostname of the manager currently running this service.


Hostname of manager

Return type


get_daeploy_manager_url() str

Returns a URL where the manager currently running this service can be reached.


URL to manager

Return type


get_db_clean_interval_seconds() float

Converts the environment variable DAEPLOY_SERVICE_DB_CLEAN_INTERVAL, that defines how often to clean the database from old records, into seconds and returns that.


Seconds between cleans. Defaults to 7 days

Return type


get_db_table_limit() Tuple[int]

Limit of rows or duration to keep records in service database. Reads from the environment variable DAEPLOY_SERVICE_DB_TABLE_LIMIT. Data will be cleaned in intervals, defined by the environment variable DAEPLOY_SERVICE_DB_CLEAN_INTERVAL.


  • int: Maximum rows/days etc. of database. Defaults to 90

  • str: One of rows, days, hours, minutes, seconds. Defaults to “days”

Return type


get_headers() dict

Generating headers for API calls


Assembled header

Return type


get_service_access_token() str

Returns a valid access token for communicating with the manager currently running this service and other services running on that manager.


JWT token

Return type


get_service_name() str

Name of this service



Return type


get_service_root_path() str

Returns the root path at which this service is running. Can be for example /services/<service_name>_<service_version>


Root path

Return type


get_service_version() str

Versio of this service


Version string (ex. 1.2.3)

Return type


match_limit_and_unit(string: str, accepted_units: List[str]) Tuple[str]

Data Types API (daeploy.data_types)

class ArrayInput

Bases: ndarray

Pydantic compatible data type for numpy ndarray input.

classmethod validate(value: List) ndarray
class ArrayOutput

Bases: ndarray

Pydantic compatible data type for numpy ndarray output.

classmethod validate(value: ndarray) List
class DataFrameInput(data=None, index: Optional[Collection[Any]] = None, columns: Optional[Collection[Any]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[ExtensionDtype, str, dtype, Type[Union[str, float, int, complex, bool, object]]]] = None, copy: Optional[bool] = None)

Bases: DataFrame

Pydantic compatible data type for pandas DataFrame input.

classmethod validate(value: Dict[str, Any]) DataFrame
class DataFrameOutput(data=None, index: Optional[Collection[Any]] = None, columns: Optional[Collection[Any]] = None, dtype: Optional[Union[ExtensionDtype, str, dtype, Type[Union[str, float, int, complex, bool, object]]]] = None, copy: Optional[bool] = None)

Bases: DataFrame

Pydantic compatible data type for pandas DataFrame output.

classmethod validate(value: DataFrame) Dict[str, Any]