Using Multiple Hosts

In Deploying Your First Service we logged in to our first host: http://your-host, but often you will be working on multiple managers. Changing between managers is done with the mvi login command just like for the first manager and if you run the command now, you should see someting like this:

>>> mvi login 
Current hosts:
0 - http://your-host
Enter MVI host:

Type in the URL to the new host and your username + password and you will be logged in to the new host:

>>> mvi login 
Current hosts:
0 - http://your-host
Enter MVI host: http://your-new-host
Logging in to MVI instance at http://your-new-host
Username: <username>
Password: <password>
Changed host to http://your-new-host

Now if you call mvi ls you should see an empty list of services and a reminder of your current host:

>>> mvi ls 
Active host: http://your-new-host
------  ------  ---------  --------  ---------

Changing between hosts

As you might have observed, your previous hosts are already listed for you when you use mvi login. This is to save you the effort of remembering and repeatedly typing in the same URLs. Say that we want to change back to http://your-host, then we can simply call mvi login again, and say that we want host 0:

>>> mvi login 
Current hosts:
0 - http://your-host
1 - http://your-new-host
Enter MVI host: 0
Changed host to http://your-new-host